– Circle of Life
– I Just Can’t Wait to Be King
– Be Prepared
– Hakuna Matata
– Can You Feel The Love Tonight
– The Morning Report
– This Land
– … To Die For
– Under The Stars
– King of Pride Rock
The world is full of problems
even for a king
It’s tough at the top
i deserve a companion, a mate
who will start my cylinders
firing with fervor
and you, my sweet thing, fit the part
A king alone
is a sad situation indeed
but a king without heirs
now that’s a tragedy
Be prepared
for a stunning proposal
that power and beauty should bond
which cannot but fail to
ensure cries of hail to
The chief and his consort
the sine-qua-non sort
Of ruling ascendants
a line of descendants
Will flow through
the pride and beyond
It’s time you were all introduced
to your ruler’s executive staff
perhaps not the kind
you’ve been used to
but certainly game for a laugh
We’d like to assure you, no fooling
red meat is no longer our scene
and if now and then
we’re seen drooling
it’s only an ancestor’s gene
So prepare for a glorious future
be prepared for the pride golden age
it’s like any other
who murdered a brother
if we don’t spread rumors
he’ll feed us and groom us
with friends in high places
we hold all the aces
So don’t try and rattle my cage
Oh, imagine if anyone dared
Be prepared
Oh, imagine if anyone dared
Be prepared
Se trata de una de las canciones eliminadas, para la letra en español en: «El Rey León, Edición Diamante«
To be king is a huge obligation
it’s not just a license for fun
and since you’re the next generation
and even more since you’re my son
I owe you a dad’s explanation
and a lifetime of duties begun
but don’t get depressed
you can rank with the best
i’ll tell you how, one to one
To be king is a daunting position
but who gives a hoot
when you’re hot
We must uphold
both the law and tradition
but the perks make up for a lot
in short, he’s a master tactician
who must give every subject a shot
from termite to tusk
from dawn until dusk
a king gives it all that he’s got
King, head honcho
master, commander
ruler of all he surveys
up in the mountains
down in the flat lands
pride wasn’t built in a day
King, protector, pater familias
to his duty ceconcile
rock of the ages
beast for all seasons
mighty king, mighty king
mighty king of the wild
simios no muy monos
y jirafas se alzarán
esos elefantes nunca nada olvidarán
cocodrilos organizan cena muy formal
querían que yo fuera el platillo principal
hay que pagar las cuentas
y los buitres quieren ver
no todos hoy regresan de su hora de comer
es el reporte de hoy
con el detalle aquí estoy
la versión que yo doy
es muy fiel así soy
el reporte de hoy
Oh el búfalo se queja de que hierba ya no hay
mas jabalíes ya no pudieron contener el gas
flamencos rozagantes se pusieron a bailar
un perfume para leones quieren inventar
fui al barrio bajo e insectos encontré
vaya mi tristeza por los suelos los halle
es el reporte de hoy
con el detalle aquí estoy
la versión que yo doy
es muy fiel así soy
el reporte de hoy